About Us
Empowering responsive communities for children.
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Our Story
Of love and care for the most vulnerable, Bakyas Community Development Center Inc (BCDCI) exists to serve children, families and communities in geographically isolated and displaced areas in Negros Occidental focusing its efforts on empowering community stakeholders, most especially women, in advancing and upholding children’s rights and welfare.
BCDCI is registered as a non-stock, non-profit child-focused organization by the Securities and Exchange Commission and licensed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development to operate as a social work agency implementing Community-Based programs and services with special focus on children.
BCDCI traces its roots in February of 1980 as Bakyas Kinderhome, a church-based organization implementing center-based programs and interventions on health and nutrition, and socio-cultural and spiritual development of children, which later evolved to community-based development program to reach more families and communities.
In February of 2005, Bakyas Community Development Center Inc. came to life as an autonomous entity from the church to expand its reach and coverage.
Vision, Mission and Goals
Vision: BCDCI envisions a progressive and safe community where children enjoy a decent life.
Mission: BCDCI commits to empowering communities responsive to children’s needs.
BCDCI exists to
- initiate community-based and child-focused development projects that aim to help children, especially those from poor families, gain access to education, health services, spiritual nurture and other opportunities that will help them develop into productive members of their respective communities;
- initiate advocacy programs and activities for the promotion of children’s rights and issues to various stakeholders;
- organize community groups and enhance their capabilities in designing and managing community-based, child-focused development projects by conducting trainings, extending technical support and services, and documenting and disseminating good practices;
- develop the capability and sustainability of BCDCI to deliver services in an effective, efficient and sustained manner through the adoption of purposeful organizational and resource development measures;
- broaden its network and linkages by forging partnerships with groups that implement similar programs and advocacy activities; and
- implement income-generating activities and projects to sustain the implementation of various programs and projects pursuant to the above-stated objectives.
Our Core Values
BCDCI upholds its values as it works with the most vulnerable members of the community.
Honesty – values truth and transparency above anything else.
Value for Children – children are God given gifts. Children deserve right nurture and direction, love, respect and acceptance. They are entitled to a bright future.
Wholistic Ministry – to win sinners to the Lord Jesus Christ, our ministry must fundamentally address the socio-economic and spiritual needs of the community.
Partnership – that linkage with other actors in the community with common goal and belief is important and necessary to achieve our goals and aspirations.
Inclusiveness – that in the implementation of our programs, there is no bias as to religion, creed and gender.
Commitment – that passion to serve is important in the workplace, empowered by the belief that God gives us this ministry for a noble purpose that will glorify His name.
Participation – we believe in cooperativeness as a way to stir up the enthusiasm of each member. No man is an island.
Sustainability/Self-reliance – that our program must be geared towards the ultimate goal that members can stand on their own and sustain them through the years.
Respect for Inherent Rights of Man – we value rights of every person. That each person is a unique creation of God, having his/her own God given identity as a person.